DynamicProblem Interactive Demo
You can find instructions on installing and using CDEproblem in your own online courses at tiny.cc/quipsite
The interactive demo is presented below. If you have issues viewing the demo, you can also view it at this direct link.
CHI 2018 paper about this tool:
Williams, J. J., Rafferty, A., Tingley, D., Ang, A., Lasecki, W. S., & Kim, J. (2018). Enhancing Online Problems Through Instructor-Centered Tools for Randomized Experiments. In CHI 2018, 36th Annual ACM Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems. [PDF] [Related Poster]
DynamicProblem Video Overview
CDEproblem can be added as a plug-in tool to a MOOC or learning management system for courses, such as Canvas, since CDEproblem is compliant with the Learning Tools Interoperability (LTI) standard. Students navigating to a CDEproblem page simply see a problem. They choose an answer and then receive an elaboration message, such as feedback about correctness, explanations, hints, or learning tips. Students are prompted to rate how helpful the elaboration message is, on a scale from 0 (completely unhelpful) to 10 (perfectly helpful).When instructors and researchers go to the same CDEproblem page, they access a composite interface: (1) A preview option to simulate a student viewing the problem. (2) A problem and experiment authoring interface. (3) A dashboard showing data about student ratings and the current probability of assigning students to alternative conditions. The instructor interface for a CDEproblem is presented below.